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Finance Lead - ANH Taiwan

Identyfikator oferty 303308 Data publikacji 03/17/2025 Location : Tajpej, Republika Chińska | Taizhong, Republika Chińska Category  FINANCE Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Finance Lead will provide necessary financial rigor and analytics to develop the company's business strategy. In this role, you will complete advanced analysis of economic and competitive business risks and opportunities and collaborate with peers across the function to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the finance function.

Key Accountabilities

  • Translate financial metrics into actionable insights that improve decision making, performance and business growth in a business segment with a moderate opportunity to impact.
  • Implement key performance indicators to crate, maintain and preserve value as an analyst for a highly complex business group or segment.
  • Support the financial evaluation of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures and other new business development opportunities.
  • Integrate disparate sources of data using a broad range of analytical data tools and knowledge of statistical methodology and predictive modeling techniques.
  • Provide financial support to accomplish plans, including financial modeling, scenario planning, valuation, monitoring performance against strategic decisions with a moderate opportunity to impact the business.
  • In collaboration with stakeholders and peers, identify opportunities to improve data integrity to enable analysis and insights.
  • Independently handle complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Experience with design, development and implementation of value added business analytics

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