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QID Specialist II

Identyfikator oferty 306230 Data publikacji 03/26/2025 Location : Saraburi, Tajlandia Category  FOOD SAFETY QUALITY & REGULATORY Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Quality Product Data Specialist II will create product specifications in data systems, maintain and update specification information in databases and create opportunities for harmonization and alignment during the evaluation and verification of product development. In this role, you will follow standard operating procedures, good manufacturing processes and product safety using a well developed knowledge of the facility, processes and regulatory awareness.

Key Accountabilities

  • Review specification requirements including product composition, intended use, operating requirements and common applications of the product to ensure products meet all customer and company requirements.
  • Ensure compliance with quality standards, handle specification changes and keep customer specifications books current.
  • Communicate with key stakeholders, customers, plants and technical service to resolve product specification differences and negotiate solutions that meet corporate goals for products that fall out of specification.
  • Define new processes and ways to improve and harmonize on how information is gathered and used.
  • Learn customer business processes and apply this knowledge to solve defined business problems related to specification management in our systems.
  • Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Knowledge and experience interpreting product specification sheets
  • Minimum requirement of 2 years of relevant work experience. Typically reflects 3 years or more of relevant experience.

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