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Analyst, RMG Market Risk

Identyfikator oferty 305464 Data publikacji 03/12/2025 Location : São Paulo, Brazylia Category  COMERCIALIZAÇÃO Job Status  Assalariado(a) em tempo integral


The Market Risk Analyst will identify, assess and mitigate risk. In this role, you will establish risk management procedures and processes to ensure adherence to policies and you will contribute to determining potential loss due to market movements.


•    Assess and communicate information with regard to business risks with functions across the organization, including dissemination of risk reports and related analytics.
•    Participate in development and implementation of controls and cost-effective approaches to minimize the organization's risks.
•    Contribute to the estimation of the potential financial consequences of an occurring loss, using industry standard metrics such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Stress.
•    Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
•    Other duties as assigned



•    Minimum Qualifications Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience. 
•    Related work experience. 
•    Other minimum qualifications may apply. Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience

•    Proficiency in English


•    Strong interest in commodity and financial markets. 
•    Experience with building dashboards in Power BI. 

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