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Government Relations Manager

Identyfikator oferty 304392 Data publikacji 02/19/2025 Location : Mechelen, Belgia Category  BEDRIJFSZAKEN Job Status  Voltijds in loondienst

Job Purpose and Impact

The Government Relations Manager will monitor, analyze and communicate around all EU developments internally, help to develop and communicate our views to the external stakeholders such as trade associations, European Commission and Parliament. You will lead on specific policy areas and European developments work while working closely with the Government Relations EMEA team and businesses.

Key Accountabilities

  • Follow proactively on different policy initiatives at EU level with a focus on climate, energy and environment policies, in order to communicate developments internally and serve as expert on these topics for business groups
  • Identify with internal stakeholders the key priorities and initiate the development of advocacy strategies together with colleagues in the function and business. Lead on their implementation of the advocacy strategies.
  • Be Cargill’s eyes and ears in the EU institutions, especially the European Commission and the European Parliament. Follow up and understand how different  stakeholders are positioning themselves in dossiers of interest to Cargill. Facilitate the engagement of business leaders with policy makers.
  • Participate in different working group discussions  in Cargill’s main Trade Associations in the fields of climate, energy and environment. 
  • Support corporate communication activities including preparation and organization  of forums and gatherings with government officials and other stakeholders on topics of business/corporate interest. 


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor in Law, Economics, Political Science, and a master degree in European related studies
  • Proven knowledge of and experience with the EU decision making processMinimum of 5 years’ experience in a similar role in a company, trade association, international organization, think tank or EU institution 
  • Excellent  knowledge of the EU and its decision-making process

Preferred Qualifications

  • Knowledge of European environmental, climate, energy and biofuels policies and working experience in these areas would be a distinct advantage
  • Hands-on, able to work independently but with the sense to know when to ask for help/advise
  • A team player and strong interpersonal skills
  • Intellectually curious. Strategic and critical thinker
  • Strong analytical and research skills
  • Diplomatic. Be able to argue gently and persuasively
  • Have a political mind to understand what a written text really means and why
  • Comfort with working with diverse cultures
  • Excellent communication skills in English, both orally and in writing. 

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