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Sustainability Executive

Identyfikator oferty 287220 Data publikacji 03/05/2024 Location : Kuala Lumpur, Malezja Category  SUSTAINABILITY Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Sustainability Executive will execute and deploy the company's systems, processes and procedures necessary to comply with a portfolio of assigned sustainability programs ranging from regulated government programs to voluntary certification schemes with regional or global impact. In this role, you will partner with businesses and functions to deliver a robust compliance monitoring system and effectively embed compliance activities into the regional or local sourcing and logistics organization and within the supplier base.

Key Accountabilities

  • Execute the implementation of specific internal capabilities, systems, processes and protocols required to ensure compliance with program standards and meet customer needs.
  • Provide general knowledge of sustainability program standards, collaborate with the commercial, supply chain and finance teams, to handle risks and support the implementation of the certification standard compliance management systems in the regions.
  • Identify trends and keep program knowledge current as regulations change over time to determine potential business impact.
  • Ensure program compliance with audits standards providing advice to suppliers and customers on certification and compliance.
  • Foster relationships with the regional or local formal sustainability program authorities to represent the company in sustainability associations.
  • Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Minimum of five years of related work experience
  • Other minimum qualifications may apply

Preferred Qualifications

  • Understanding of sustainability issues and applicable regulations related agricultural raw materials and supply chains
  • Proven knowledge of sustainability and supply chain transparency programs through standards and assurance

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Zrównoważona uprawa kakao

Celem programu Cargill Cocoa Promise jest zapewnienie rozwoju sektora upraw kakao dla kolejnych pokoleń.

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Integracja i różnorodność

Nasza integracyjna kultura pomaga nam kształtować przyszłość świata.

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