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Reliability Engineer

Identyfikator oferty 301069 Data publikacji 02/12/2025 Location : Kātkumbh, Indie Category  BUILD OPERATE MAINTAIN (PLANT OPNS) Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Reliability Engineer I, will perform routine activities to deliver continuous improvement in process and asset reliability through the detection and elimination of defects. In this role, you will use your knowledge to fulfill reliability engineering strategies.

Key Accountabilities

  • Provide support in the implementation of reliability excellence activities, identifying and prioritizing reliability engineering value creation opportunities.
  • Help with the development, design and installation of predictive maintenance program and technology in alignment with the area procedures.
  • Assist in technical reviews of projects and collaborate with related areas on new equipment reliability specifications.
  • Support the identification and elimination of bad actors and the optimization of equipment availability.
  • Prioritize, plan and scope for maintenance activities and work orders.
  • Collaborate with maintenance repairs and production, in reliability related processes and the identification of critical spares.
  • Handle basic issues and problems under direct supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience

Preferred Qualifications

  • Strong data analysis capabilities
  • Knowledge in maintenance process management
  • knowledge in the application of reliability tools
  • Experience with green belt, lean or six sigma methodologies
  • Minimum of one year of related work experience
  • Knowledge of technical standards, principles, theories, concepts and techniques

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