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Admin Executive

Identyfikator oferty 304984 Data publikacji 03/11/2025 Location : Kātkumbh, Indie Category  ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Admin Executive will provide various office and location support activities. In this role, you will ensure consistency of documentation, availability of shared resources and compliance with company standards.

Key Accountabilities

  • Prepare and proofread internal and outgoing documents to ensure alignment with corporate standards and business practices.
  • Coordinate and regularly update content for announcement boards, postings, screens and shared internal electronic resources.
  • Organize and facilitate events, meetings and presentations and inspect meeting facilities to ensure event requirements are met.
  • Organize trainings using mandatory employee certification matrix and maintain all related records.
  • Ensure that facilities, office and business support services operate effectively and efficiently.
  • Serve as a liaison for local authorities.
  • Handle basic issues and problems under direct supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience

Preferred Qualifications

  • Graduate with 5 years of experience in Admin role
  • Should have good experience in Manufacturing plant environment
  • Good communication skills
  • Should have good exposure in managing the plant facilities

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Zrównoważona uprawa kakao

Celem programu Cargill Cocoa Promise jest zapewnienie rozwoju sektora upraw kakao dla kolejnych pokoleń.

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Integracja i różnorodność

Nasza integracyjna kultura pomaga nam kształtować przyszłość świata.

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Odkryj, jak można osiągnąć nadrzędny cel w ramach kariery w firmie Cargill.

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