Production Excellence Specialist
Job Purpose and Impact
The Production Excellence Specialist will develop, implement and sustain process improvement initiatives. In this role, you will conduct continuous improvement activities with low to medium project cost and risk and activities with well defined processes for multiple locations.
Key Accountabilities
- Directly provide updates on the project objectives, performance measures, issues and risks to senior staff.
- Identify, monitor, and implement continuous improvement best practices.
- Develop and handle continuous improvement plans for projects with low to medium cost and risk in order to reach and sustain project goals.
- Conduct organization readiness assessments, value realization, opportunity prioritization, resource evaluation and execute continuous improvement strategies that meet business requirements.
- Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
- Other duties as assigned
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
- Minimum of two years of related work experience
- Other minimum qualifications may apply
Preferred Qualification
- Graduation in Engineering with 4 years of experience in Production Excellence
- Should have good exposure in Kaizen, Daily Improvement cycles
- Should have good exposure in Continuous Improvement/ Process Excellence/ Production excellence area
- Should have exposure in working with leading process industries
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Zrównoważona uprawa kakao
Celem programu Cargill Cocoa Promise jest zapewnienie rozwoju sektora upraw kakao dla kolejnych pokoleń.
Integracja i różnorodność
Nasza integracyjna kultura pomaga nam kształtować przyszłość świata.
Życie w firmie
Odkryj, jak można osiągnąć nadrzędny cel w ramach kariery w firmie Cargill.