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Zonal Sales Manager - South

Identyfikator oferty 302732 Data publikacji 01/21/2025 Location : Bangalur, Indie Category  SALES Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Zonal Sales Manager - South will lead, implement and execute all sales operations and tactics within an area. In this role, you will use your interpersonal skills to provide direction to frontline sales workforce professionals and supervisors. You will lead all aspects of sales operations activities for a portfolio of products or services within a broader geographic area.

Key Accountabilities

  • Evaluate market potential and sales status.
  • Plan, organize and coordinate sales operations of company or organization.
  • Plan and organize sales programs, including sales methodologies, incentives, special campaigns and professional training for personnel.
  • Gain in depth general industry as well as deep local market knowledge.
  • Supervise the daily sales operations activities, executing and deploying the sales plans, vision and goals.
  • Lead and develop a team, coach and make decisions related to talent management, hiring, performance, and disciplinary actions.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Master's degree in a related field and equivalent experience
  • Other minimum qualifications may apply

Preferred Qualifications

  • Minimum two years of supervisory experience
  • Minimum seven years of Bakery sales experience

Short Description

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