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Software Engineer - Ag & Trading

Identyfikator oferty 301454 Data publikacji 03/12/2025 Location : Bangalur, Indie Category  DIGITAL, TECHNOLOGY AND DATA (DT&D) Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Software Engineer will participate in the design and development of new and existing digital solutions for the digital portfolio. In this role, you will be a member of an agile engineering team and will discover and deliver solutions to moderately complex problems to enable the company's digital future. You will apply deep knowledge of software engineering and security practices to ensure solutions are scalable, resilient and robust. You will also contribute knowledge and hands on experience with modern practices and technologies to the shared engineering community.

Key Accountabilities

•    Demonstrate accountability by ensuring timely and high-quality project delivery.
•    Be result driven, consistently achieving measurable outcomes and meeting goals.
•    Act as a team player, collaborating effectively with cross-functional teams.
•    Exhibit a can-do mentality, tackling challenges with a proactive and positive approach.
•    Apply software engineering patterns and principles to design, develop, test, integrate, maintain, troubleshoot and document complex software solutions and incorporate security practices in newly developed and maintained applications.
•    Participate in peer code review sessions both as a submitter and as a reviewer to ensure code quality.
•    Incorporate the company's engineering and development practices within software development life cycle processes.
•    Apply development and operation engineering principles to continuously integrate, test and deploy developed code.
•    Participate in the engineering community by maintaining and sharing relevant technical approaches and modern skills.
•    Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
•    Other duties as assigned.


Minimum Qualifications:

•    Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent experience,
•    Confirmed experience building back end applications based on popular design patterns.
•    Proficiency in .NET Core.
•    Experience with DevOps practices and tools such as Docker and CI/CD pipelines.
•    Knowledge of SQL Server and / or PostgreSQL for database design and management.
•    Experience with cloud platforms such as Azure, AWS, or GCP.
•    Minimum of two years experience in software development using .NET technologies.

Preferred Qualifications:

•    Familiarity with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as Angular, React, or Vue.js.
•    Experience in trading and commodity business 
•    Hands-on experience with Kubernetes for container orchestration and management.
•    Understanding of microservices architecture and deployment strategies using Kubernetes.
•    Proficiency in .NET Framework.
•    Proficiency in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
•    Experience in integrating and utilizing AI models (e.g. in software solutions).
•    Understanding of ethical considerations and best practices in AI development.

Short Description

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