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CTC Process Specialist

Identyfikator oferty 301350 Data publikacji 03/25/2025 Location : Bangalur, Indie Category  FINANCE Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Credit to Cash Application Specialist II is the first line of assistance to end users during cut over, go live and on going support. In this role, you will provide functional and process support for user testing, data validation and maintenance, user questions, systems training and support calls.

Key Accountabilities

  • Execute system cutover, go live and hypercare post implementation support.
  • Analyze exceptions and look for trends and training opportunities.
  • Partner with business unit locations to identify root cause and solve issues.
  • Learn and understand business processes, procedures, transactions and technology within an assigned functional area.
  • Provide business, function, or process specific requirements and provide input to the design team and subsequent design or build of approved work intakes.
  • Review, input and validate the training materials including standard operating procedures designed to document business processes within the business or function.
  • Conduct process and transactional training for business and end users and participate in product testing efforts including process testing and user acceptance testing with process leads and business end users.
  • Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience with process migration and creation of process maps and standard operating procedures
  • Project management experience
  • Business relationship management or business analyst position experience
  • Continuous improvement qualifications

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Zrównoważona uprawa kakao

Celem programu Cargill Cocoa Promise jest zapewnienie rozwoju sektora upraw kakao dla kolejnych pokoleń.

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Nasza integracyjna kultura pomaga nam kształtować przyszłość świata.

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