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Trade Compliance Excellence Consultant

Identyfikator oferty 303147 Data publikacji 01/16/2025 Location : Bangkok, Tajlandia Category  FINANCE Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Trade Compliance Operations Consultant I, will use substantial trade compliance knowledge to execute complex activities. In this role, you will collaborate with businesses to drive continuous improvement and provide strategic direction and provide coaching and training for peers.

Key Accountabilities

  • Provide strategic direction on initiatives, coordinate and execute operations for the organization, collaborating cross-functionally, internally and externally to implement trade compliance operations solutions to support business, enterprise and function
  • Analyze, measure, evaluate and report requited data sets of a single or multiple site or process area for internal or external risk assessments and audits and government requests for information.
  • Analyze and coordinate transactional data requirements to execute complex cross-border clearance and filing of import and export declarations.
  • Ensure compliance for records and records retention, provide oversight to analysts and support staff for record keeping process and ensure records are maintained per regulatory requirements and Global Customs Advisory inputs.
  • Conduct moderately complex analysis on risk exposure and process improvement, and recommend next steps to more senior members of the team.
  • Act as key point of contact and co-lead for special projects (manage communication, lead meetings, influence and manage audience) for country including other functions and business partners.
  • Apply deep technical understanding of trade compliance operations practices and procedures, problem-solving and leadership skills to support trade compliance operations team with day-to-day activities, and provide onboarding, training and coaching to junior team members.
  • Independently handle complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience

Preferred Qualifications

  • Certified Customs Specialist certificate or equivalent

  • Transfer pricing/valuation knowledge is strongly preferred

  • Understanding of customs regulations and programs


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Integracja i różnorodność

Nasza integracyjna kultura pomaga nam kształtować przyszłość świata.

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