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Customer Value Specialist

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Anzeigen-ID 285714 Veröffentlichungsdatum 03/11/2024 Location : Belgien Job Status  Voltijds in loondienst

Job Purpose and Impact

The Customer Value Specialist establishes quality standards for products and processes and suggests modifications intended to prevent defects in components or final products. We seek a professional with the interpersonal skills to collaborate with internal and external multifunctional teams to address customer requirements and concerns and identify and mitigate quality risks.

Key Accountabilities

  • Handle customer requirements, concerns and complaints ensuring proper prioritization and follow up.
  • Conduct root cause analysis for defects, nonconformities or other quality failures, respond to customer complaints and provide guidance.
  • Develop and lead the implementation of key food safety management system programs and critical food safety tasks.
  • Provide continuous improvement support for operations and other functional areas as needed.
  • Design and deliver food safety and quality related training internal and external stakeholders to improve awareness and quality capacity.
  • Ensure compliance with quality standards.
  • Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Lead customer audits or related visits and promote stakeholder communication.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience

  • Excellent verbal and written English communication skills.

  • Minimum of two years of related work experience

  • Other minimum qualifications may apply

Preferred Qualifications

  • Three years experience in food industry.
  • Good knowledge of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), International Organization for Standardization (ISO)9001: 2000, ISO14001 and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 and food safety.
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