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Customer Service Support (Boyolali based)

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Anzeigen-ID 289086 Veröffentlichungsdatum 04/03/2024 Location : Pasuruan, Indonesien Category  SUPPLY CHAIN Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Customer Service Support will process routine customer enabling activities of the order management process and will help execute well established customer service activities with regards to order intake, confirmation, processing, and fulfillment. In this role, you will assist in achieving streamlined and optimized internal processes, that promote a seamless customer experience.

Key Accountabilities

  • Follow standard procedures and provide insights regarding order status, invoices, contract balances and other information needed to complete an order to customer facing customer service representatives.
  • Process customer orders and work cross functionally to confirm credit, contract, pricing, stock allocation and transportation availability alignment.
  • Resolve clerical or administrative process issues that follow already defined procedures related to order confirmation, processing and fulfillment.
  • Support the generation of order related documents.
  • Update internal stakeholders on order status and any issues.
  • Assist in identifying potential obstacles in the order management internal process and work with other functions and customer facing customer service representatives to take corrective actions using basic analytical capabilities.
  • Handle complex clerical, administrative, technical or customer support issues and/or feedback under minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Provide regular reporting related to inventory, order processing, and customer service level
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Diploma, Bachelor degree education level or equivalent
  • Minimum of there years of related work experience
  • Other minimum qualifications may apply

Preferred Qualifications

  • Advanced in reporting tools such as MS. Excel, Power BI, and presentation slide
  • Understanding of processes related to order intake, confirmation, processing and fulfillment
  • Have data analytical and problem-solving skill
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