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PP1 Utility Engineer

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Anzeigen-ID 289839 Veröffentlichungsdatum 04/23/2024 Location : Saraburi, Thailand Category  BUILD OPERATE MAINTAIN (PLANT OPNS) Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Manufacturing Maintenance and Reliability Senior Supervisor develops and implements process improvements, identifies opportunities for cost, lead time and inventory reduction and quality improvement. We seek a seasoned professional with the ability to foster a culture that builds, operates and maintains plants that are safe and reliable. In this role you will assist in project planning, application of best practices, training and support and people management.

Key Accountabilities

  • Identify training opportunities/needs and facilitates training sessions for maintenance personnel with a focus on skills development, safety practices and work standards.
  • Support operations by analyzing and formulating conclusions in regard to failures, downtime and lost production and identify opportunities to improve operator reliability and resolve acceptable risk tolerance for equipment.
  • Coordinate the execution of complex repair procedures.
  • Collaborate with other departments to develop strategies for operations of assigned areas, (electrical, mechanical, systems, operations) which includes technical optimization of processes.
  • Monitor and review ongoing maintenance activities to ensure asset reliability and adherence to guidelines, codes, requirements and overall production quality.
  • Lead and develop a team, coach and make decisions related to talent management, hiring, performance, and disciplinary actions.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Experience with audit compliance, root/cause analysis process
  • Minimum of four years of related work experience
  • Other minimum qualifications may apply

Preferred Qualifications

  • Two years of supervisory experience
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