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Proteins Trader

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ID post vacant 304706 Data afișării 02/24/2025 Location : Bangkok, Tailanda Category  TRADING Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Merchant II will handle a moderately complex supplier base and fulfill transactions delivering commodities that meet production requirements and specifications in terms of timing, volume, quantity and cost. In this role, you will buy and sell commodities from and to country elevators, producers, feed mills and processors.

Key Accountabilities

  • Collaborate with transportation and logistics, quality assurance, customer managers and credit manager to ensure efficient execution.
  • Plan purchases and transportation to maximize profitable use of stock and storage facilities.
  • Enter routine data and run specialty reports from our contract management databases and systems.
  • Research and analyze various freight opportunities in the marketplace to maximize margin.
  • Work directly with customers, suppliers and business counterparts to meet their needs in solving routine problems and addressing complaints and concerns.
  • Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Other duties as assigned


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Minimum requirement of 2 years of relevant work experience. Typically reflects 3 years or more of relevant experience.
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Aflați unde vă încadrați în cadrul Cargill. Conectați-vă la profilul dumneavoastră LinkedIn și vom folosi aptitudinile și experiența pentru a căuta locuri de muncă potrivite pentru dumneavoastră.

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