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Applications Scientist

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ID post vacant 301486 Data afișării 02/10/2025 Location : Shanghai, China Category  RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Applications Scientist will provide laboratory and pilot plant application support related to product development projects. In this role, you will design and conduct trials, evaluate and report accurately and partner closely with technical services in alignment with the designated business strategy.

Key Accountabilities

•    Conduct research to translate and apply product development discoveries into customer solutions based on finished product formulation and processes applications.
•    Establish experimental work plans, execution, interpretation and reporting for start up projects and requests.
•    Plan and perform application work in laboratory and pilot plants on projects; representing the core expertise.
•    Accountable to lead application projects and requests, including jobs to be done, understanding and project presentations.
•    Provide application support to customers and the commercial organization in the designated region, including customer trials and visits, to support our product line demand.
•    Attend trade shows and other research and development laboratories and customer locations to develop trial processes and procedures and deliver presentations, in alignment with our sales teams.
•    Maintain and develop in depth knowledge and expertise in order to meet the demands.
•    Independently solve moderately complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
•    Other duties as assigned


•    Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience
•    Fluent speaking and writing English language skill
•    Minimum of  three years of lubricants related work experience
•    Other minimum qualifications may apply
•    Working experience in a laboratory or pilot plant, lab safety/chemical experience
•    Experience in test and formulation optimization
•    Experience in project management.

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