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Data Quality Engineer

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Job ID 304668 Publicatiedatum 02/21/2025 Location : Bangalore, India Category  DIGITAL, TECHNOLOGY AND DATA (DT&D) Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

This role will be responsible for developing data quality Solution, assisting data stewards in implementing a global or enterprise level data quality solution for improving data quality.

Key Accountabilities

  • Accountable for DQ Solution Build, Test, and Deploy using Informatica Cloud Data Quality (IDMC).
  • Develop, Review, maintain codebase in accordance with industry best practices and standards.
  • Support for DQ solution related Job or Task failures, Root cause analysis & fixes the issues.
  • Closely work with DQ SMEs to implement DQ rules to measure and Report Data Quality.
  • Fundamental knowledge in Informatica IDMC services – Data Quality (CDQ), Data Integration (CDI), Address Doctor/AD6, and Profiling.
  • Experience in Informatica - Data Extraction, Data validation and Reports generation for Batch & Real-time.
  • Experience in Informatica - Data Profiling, DQ Rule creation and DQ Scorecard generation.
  • Handle basic issues and problems under direct supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.



  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Minimum 3-6 years of experience in Data Quality Tools and Technologies
  • Other minimum qualifications may apply.


Minimum 3-6 years of working experience in Informatica Cloud Data Quality Platform/ solutions (IDMC).

  • IDMC - Cloud Data Quality (CDQ), Data Integration (CI), Profiling – Mandatory
  • Informatica Address Doctor or DAS - Preferred
  • Informatica Data Quality (IDQ) – Preferred
  • Informatica MDM, Power Center – Preferred
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We combineren 154 jaar ervaring met nieuwe technologieën en inzichten om een vertrouwde partner te zijn op het gebied van voedsel, landbouw en voor financiële en industriële klanten in meer dan 125 landen. Samen kunnen we nieuwe kansen creëren, zodat je kunt groeien, jezelf kunt ontwikkelen en invloed kunt hebben op de toekomst van ons bedrijf.

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