Market Risk Manager
A grandeza e a escala da Cargill nos permitem causar um impacto positivo no mundo. Nosso propósito é nutrir o mundo de forma segura, responsável e sustentável.
Cargill é uma empresa familiar que fornece alimentos, ingredientes, soluções agrícolas e produtos industriais vitais para a vida. Conectamos os agricultores aos mercados para que possam prosperar. Conectamos os clientes aos ingredientes para que possam preparar refeições que as pessoas amam. Conectamos as famílias aos itens essenciais do dia a dia - desde ovos até óleos comestíveis, sal, cuidados com a pele, ração e até combustíveis alternativos. Nossos 160.000 colegas, atuando em 70 países, produzem produtos essenciais que impactam bilhões de vidas a cada dia. Junte-se a nós e alcance seu propósito mais alto na Cargill.
Job Purpose and Impact
The Market Risk Manager will provide advanced knowledge and subject matter expertise to identify, assess and mitigate market risk. In this role, you will establish risk management procedures and processes to ensure adherence to policies and identify potential loss due to market price movements.
Key Accountabilities
- Oversee the market risk across a business group including the quantification of market risk based on stress tests, scenario analysis and metrics such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) to provide transparency into the impact of potential adverse market moves.
- Manage market risk exposure measurement and limit, monitoring processes to ensure integrity with market risk related policies.
- Develop and maintain relationships with key stakeholders in trading and the broader business and be the primary contact on market risk related topics for commercial leadership.
- Apply broader industry knowledge to assess and communicate risks and market drivers across the organization.
- Provide expert thought leadership in your field and work with limited direction, using additional research and interpretation to identify issues or problems. You may provide direction to supporting team members and be a strategic contributor.
- Other duties as assigned
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience
- Minimum of six years of related work experience
Preferred Qualifications
- Experience in market risk, trading, market analysis, or equivalent in financial or commodity trading environment
- Self-starter, unafraid to query, question, or challenge assumptions
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우리의 위치
우리는 전 세계 70개국 이상의 국가에서 고객과 지역사회에 기여하는 것을 자랑 스럽게 생각 합니다. 전 세계 카길 직원들은 안전하고 책임감 있으며, 지속 가능한 방식으로 세상을 풍요롭게 하는데 공헌 하고 있습니다. 우리와 함께 하여 카길에서의 경력이 여러분의 더 높은 목표 달성에 어떤 도움이 되는지 알아 보십시오.