Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Engineering Assistant (Tuas Based)

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Állás azonosítója 298747 Publikálás dátuma 01/26/2025 Location : Singapore, Szingapúr Category  BUILD OPERATE MAINTAIN (PLANT OPNS) Job Status  Salaried Full Time

The Engineering Assistant is responsible to perform routine maintenance practices, resource management and tools and process controls to ensure trouble free operation. Execute the maintenance and servicing of various systems including equipment control systems to the automation systems of technical processes. To liaise with plant personnel on the test results, suggest corrective actions and preventive actions where necessary.


  • Excuse weekly/monthly service activities according to maintenance schedule for machines equipment, facilities and breakdown maintenance of the M&E Systems.
  • Maintain the mechanical and electrical integrity of new installations and existing systems.
  • Assist in conducting analysis and process improvement study.
  • Assist in troubleshooting of electrical devices and plant equipment.
  • To highlight any follow-up actions from maintenance checklist.
  • Provide support to ensure internal and external audit requirements are met.
  • Strictly adhere to GMP / Food Safety/ Workplace Safety policies.  Comply to the environmental operational control work instructions.  Ensure good housekeeping, hygienic and safe work practices of work areas.
  • To supervise yearly equipment calibration.
  • Undertake any other duties as assigned by superiors from time to time.
  • Comply to the Environmental operational control work instructions.


  • Diploma in a related field or equivalent experience
    Other minimum qualifications may apply
  • Forklift and/or Scissor License preferred

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