Ugrás a fő tartalomra

FP1 Production Low Risk Zone Supervisor

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Állás azonosítója 306297 Publikálás dátuma 03/26/2025 Location : Saraburi, Thaiföld Category  BUILD OPERATE MAINTAIN (PLANT OPNS) Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Production Supervisor will be responsible for plan and control daily process of sanitizing to meet the target in specific area and alignment with all regulations and standards e.g. DLD, EU, Cargill policy, GMP, HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001, Food safety etc.

Key Accountabilities

  • Control daily process of Sanitizing in specific area and outside production area as target (Customer requirement).
  • Coach, check, track and control daily process to align with work instruction and ISO standard (Customer requirement).
  • Ensure adequate and effective equipment and machines in production line are ready to use before and after work (Safety requirement).
  • Control and maintain sanitation of  equipment and machines and control worker’s hygiene to align with GMP standard (Food Safety requirement).
  • Control and maintain safety and energy usage in workplace. (Safety and legal requirement)
  • Select, train and retain worker: Increase skill efficiency and reduce turnover.
  • Evaluate worker’s performance.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Foods Science, Food Technology and Food Engineering.

  • 0-3 years of experience working in production supervisor from foods and beverages manufacturing.

  • Good knowledge in Food safety & Quality, GMP, HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHAS 18001 and EHS.

  • Good communication skills both Thai and English.

  • Good Managerial and Coordination skill.

  • Can work in rotation shift.

  • Can do attitude.

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Fenntartható kakaótermesztés

A Cargill Cocoa Promise programja elkötelezett az iránt, hogy több generáció számára biztosított legyen a kakaóágazat virágzása.

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Befogadás és sokféleség

Befogadó kultúránk segítséget nyújt számunkra a világ jövőjének alakításában.

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Az élet a Cargillnál

Fedezze fel, miként érheti el magasabb céljait, ha pályafutását a Cargillnál folytatja.

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