Sales Executive
Job Purpose and Impact
The Sales Executive will participate in face to face and remote selling to new and existing customers, selling directly or indirectly through various sales channels. In this role, you will help assess customer needs and suggest appropriate products, services and solutions.
Key Accountabilities
- Help develop and deliver sales bids, proposals, presentations and participate in conducting product demonstrations.
- Help identify and contact prospective customers.
- Build customer relationships that help generate future sales and repeat business.
- Apply broad theoretical job knowledge to sell directly to customers.
- Handle complex clerical, administrative, technical or customer support issues under minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.
- Other duties as assigned
Minimum Qualifications
- High school diploma, secondary education level or equivalent
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Megtalálhatja, hová illene a Cargill szervezetében. Jelentkezzen be, hogy elérje a LinkedIn-profilját, és mi a kompetenciái és tapasztalatai alapján megkeressük azokat az állásokat, amelyek megfelelhetnek Önnek.
Fenntartható kakaótermesztés
A Cargill Cocoa Promise programja elkötelezett az iránt, hogy több generáció számára biztosított legyen a kakaóágazat virágzása.
Befogadás és sokféleség
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Az élet a Cargillnál
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