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Dairy - Area Sales Manager

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Állás azonosítója 305774 Publikálás dátuma 03/25/2025 Location : Dharmapuri, India Category  SALES Job Status  Salaried Full Time

Job Purpose and Impact

The Dairy Feed - Area Sales Manager will be aligned to Cargill's Dairy Feeds business in Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu and help build the strategy, sales teams and processes to achieve revenue targets for sales teams. You will get an opportunity to be a part of a fast-paced growing business and handling a large scale of operations.

Key Accountabilities

• In this role, you will provide strategic vision and tactical direction while leading and overseeing all aspects of employees and represent the organization in promoting and selling feeds and services.
• Responsible for assessing customer needs and suggest appropriate feeds, services and solutions to the farmers.
• Responsible for personnel decisions related to hiring, performance and disciplinary actions for your direct reports.
• Direct and lead sales personnel in the assigned area.
• Build customer relationships that help generate future sales and repeat business.
• Establish, control and evaluate sales goals.
• Evaluate, measure and handle the feeds and brand profit and loss.
• Supervise groups that divide sales performance into feeds or areas.
• Other duties as assigned.


Minimum Qualifications
• Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
• Minimum of 5 years of related work experience.
• Other minimum qualifications may apply.

Preferred Qualifications
• Years of experience: 8 - 12 years.
• At least 5 years of experience in Dairy/Cattle Feed/Agri input Sales.
• Fluent in Tamil & English.
• Should have excellent connects with farmers in Tamil Nadu.
• Proven experience in business growth, geographic expansion, and profitability in the assigned territory.
• Must have exposure of managing a direct on-roll team of at least 4 employees.
• Strong experience of handling distributor/dealers sales specifically in rural areas.


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